HiMODES provides expert linguistic and cultural mediation services to meet all your interpreting, translation & transcription needs in Farsi, Dari, Tajiki, Kurdish, Hindi & Urdu languages
Expertise, Precision, Discretion
Our unrivaled expertise is tested and trusted by organizations and businesses that demand excellence. We take pride in our professionalism and experience in the UK and internationally which uniquely places us to respond to all your interpreting, translation, transcription, forensic linguistic and cultural mediation requirements with utmost accuracy.
We provide our linguistic services to the private and public sectors and NGOs in legal, government, business, financial, marketing and oil & gas industry. Our clients include: MOD, MOJ, Home Office, Metropolitan Police, NCA, Top Corporate & Commercial Law Firms, CLDP, LCIA, UNHCR, Amnesty International, UN, European Commission and WTO.
HiMODES linguists are certified technical specialists and language analysts with over two decades of successful professional service. They have worked in a broad range of sectors on a wide variety of subjects in courts, meetings, conferences, seminars and international negotiations. They are regulated and vetted interpreters and translators with professional memberships that meet the highest standards of ethics and code of conduct.
For more information please contact us